Juni 30, 2014

BHCF 2014

Attended the first event in Batam was Batam Holi Color Festival 2014 (June 22, 2014). Batam is the 2nd city where this event was held after Jakarta. When I was searching where this event firstly came from, I found that it was from India. Actually this event related with the religion tradition in India which most of people is Hindu. But when adopted by other, it' just become event for fun.
Came with my #highschoolneverends mates after gathered in Cheno's house first, include mba Yan, Teo Fenny, and new friend, Christin. So, BHCF 2014 was located in Mega Wisata Ocarina, Batam

When still in clean condition
I saw many people that attended this event. From my perspective, some of people wanna to really make fun, some of people just curious with what kind of this event.
Met our MUA-friend, Sele

Met our senior, Rapper Batamhood, Jacob

Met our Amel, still so clean

Crazy buddies

Met our k-pop fans, Derry


New Friend, Rini

New Friend, Christin

Genk ko Raykal's car

When the music played on


Look like little reunion of High School

Just met some of univ's friend, COG Familu, high school's mates, junior and senior, new friend that noticed me as the girl who lucky 200k Rupiah hahahahah it's Sumon Tan, Cheno's fellas.
Totally fun for me, not because the event, cos the time that I spent with..

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