Desember 31, 2010

The Great 2010

Thanks Father for all you've done in my life. Thank you for the great life that you've given. Thank you for Your Grace that never stop in my life.

Arrive in the end of year. Wow, time walks so fast and a few minutes again we'll enter the new year. I say, Happy New Year 2011. Wish the new year means the new spirit, new commitment, new dicipline, and all the best things :) We are people surely have the same desire, that we want to be better people than before.
In 2010 many things happen to me, I thankful to God for all it.

  • During 4 months, i had work practic in one of hotel in Batam, I was in purchasing. And finally i could finish it well.
  • I finished my report on May, and pass the session well too :)
  • I and my friends in OSIS (organization of school) made the event after 3 years vacuum. We made the event 'BBS Rubik's Cube Competition' at BCS mall (May 09 and May 16)
  • I was 17 and God helped me when i was be MC at the event.
  • I pass the semester exam well and get the best result. Now, I'm in 3rd grade.
  • Made the new password and went to Singapore with Dad and Mom. It was so long since the last i went there.
  • Bought the handycam dual with the camera.
  • I had the enjoyable memorable with my friends in OSIS when we had to give MOS (orientation students) and we had to select the new member for OSIS.
  • God called my grandfather to heaven. I and mom and uncle auntie and Edo bro went to Bogor. We spent 5 days there.
  • I and my friends won the think think game when the classmeeting.
  • I accepted my raport for the first semester in 3rd grade, and got the best result.
  • I followed some christmas this year and i enjoyed the moment.
  • I enjoyable every time and moment with the lovely people
Goodbye the great 2010, and welcome the awesome 2011

Desember 18, 2010

Too big high long amazing, You are

Tiba di penghujung tahun 2010. Wow, waktu itu ternyata sangat cepat. Padahal ngerasanya baru kemarin ngerayain natal eh sekarang udah natal lagi. Dan sepanjang tahun hidup aku mengalami banyak hal. Tapi ternyata aku bisa melalui semuanya dan itu semua karena pertolongan Tuhan, sungguh, aku tidak hanya sekedar basa-basi atau ingin menunjukkan betapa rohaninya aku, tidak sama sekali. Aku cuma ingin bilang bahwa kita sebagai manusia sangat sangatlah terbatas, seberapa hebatpun kita, pasti ada batasnya. Karena aku sangat tau keterbatasanku, aku selalu bergantung sama Tuhan. Banyak hal sepanjang tahun ini yang terjadi yang selalu buat aku terkesima sama Tuhan, dan julukan aku kepada Tuhan, "Si Allah pemberi kejutan" :) Hal yang Dia perbuat selalu baik, dan selalu di luar dugaan bahkan melebihi dari apa yang aku minta.
Terkadang aku sangat takut mikirin bagaimana kalau aku hidup tanpa Tuhan. Karena aku yakin hidupku akan berantakan dan tidak punya masa depan.
Bersyukur Tuhan ada dan sangat setia, sekalipun aku sering sekali tidak setia.

Aku belajar bahwa apapunn yang terjadi dalam hidup ini, baik atau tidaknya, kita harus selalu bersyukur. Dan apapun yang kita alami, baik atau tidaknya, Tuhan selalu ada. Tidak pernah sekalipun Dia meninggalkan. Walaupun mungkin kelihatannya Dia diam, tidak langsung memberikan pertolongan, tapi Dia selalu mengawasi. Terkadang Dia hanya ingin menguji seberapa percayanya kita kepadaNya.
Di dalam kehidupan, kita dihadapkan dengan banyak pilihan. Apalagi sebagai remaja dalam masa transisi menuju kedewasaan, hidup dikelilingin dengan berbagai jenis sifat dan prilaku manusia yang bisa saja mempengaruhi. Ya kembali lagi ke diri kita sendiri, it's your choice!

Mengakhiri tahun ini, aku bersyukur kepada Tuhan buat kehidupan luar biasa yang Dia beri, buat keluarga Daddy mami venna grace stev, buat sahabat dan teman teman cano ote gita sist amel mimi cuzan wina henny anggur merah yani teman teman sekelas, wali kelas pak baru, guru-guru gokil bu nunung sir jay, youthers GBZ, teman teman satu sekolah, semua semuanya. Orang-orang yang mengisi hari-hariku. WOW TUHAN!
Aku bersyukur buat kasih karuniaNya dan bahwa Dia Allah Jehovah Jireh yang selalu mencukupkan segala sesuatunya, Wooooooow Tuhan!
Dan segala sesuatu usaha yang dilakukan dan tangan Tuhan yang turut serta bekerja, Wooooooooooooooooow Tuhan! You're great!


Desember 06, 2010

Hot day and math

This morning was the first day of exam for semester 1. And i had math in the morning. I didn't study anything last night because i went to Angie's sist house for vocal exercise. Yah I and my sist was preparing a song for we will sing on this saturday. So i just came going back at 10.00 pm and felt so tired and decided to sleep asap.
Fortunately, i could do most of question. Wish i get the best score YEAAAAH!
And for the subject: Health education hm what a crazy test. Because we never study for it, i mean for theory. But i wish i can pass it.
Actually, there is one test again, Computer, but suddenly all the students here ran outside and shouted, "Fired fired fired heeeeeeeeelp", I was on the 3rd floor and didn't finish the test and saw outside from the window and i felt a little afraid but Mrs. Ar said that it was not problem and i continued to finish my test. And the test for the subject, Computer, be cancelled.
And i had lunch in back cafe with my frieeeeeends, and tomorrow is holiday, it means tonight i will be more rilex without think about the lesson :)

Desember 04, 2010

For wina, my chairmate for 3 yearsssssss

What a jail day. We made our profile picture (me, ote, and Gita sist) with the same picture.

And lastly, when we saw that her face was changed, we changed our PP asap. Sorry lovely girl, just kidding.

It's always rain on -ber month, the most is December

Hello good morning everybody, have a nice weekend. I think weekend is the day that always you wait. On weekend, it's time to more rilex, and time together with parents and friends.
Now, I'm at lab computer with ote and Gita sist, actually the reason we come on saturday to school is to study. But SEE! when we saw the computer at lab and that the networking is not the problem, we decided to sit in front of the computer and started our social networking.
Now, it's still rain outside there, whooooa the weather is so cool. And it always happens on December, wish that snow will fall out here, Batam, my lovely little city. I have prepared thick jacket for winter this yeaaaaar :D
(i know i'm crazy about snow. It's so impossible happen here).
Monday i have exam for first semester, and i have to prepare well to get the best result, wish me luck guys. And i wish, i get the amazing christmas this yeaaar :)
